Three holly temples of Sujata village(Part 3)
This is the last article about the movie “Three holly temples of Sujata village” taken by the Indian government. Have you seen the movie already? If not, click below and check it out! In last two articles, I shared about 1. Saraswati temple and 2. Shiva temple . Today, I introduce you Dharmanaya temple Dharmanaya temple locates the outskirts of the village and it’s about 0.5km from Shiva temple . From ancient times, local people kept praying for having babies at this temple. They hold pooja, Hindu worship. More than 150,000 people participated Yaggya, fire ceremony at this place. “Yaggya ceremony” To a big well in the temple, people throw offerings used in pooja ceremony for their ancestors. This means series of pooja for ...